Our ministries are what connects Kaumakapili to kaiāulu (community). We invite you to join us at any ministry or outreach event.
Mission: Extending the reach of Christ by partnering with the community for positive change.
Mission: To encourage, provide, and promote a faithful relationship with Ke Akua ROOTED WITH LOVE through the congregation(s) contribution(s) in the sharing of their time, talents, and treasures (resources).
Mission: We the deaconate of Kaumakapili Church, in communion with Ka Haku Iesu Kristo, are empowered as a body of God’s servant leaders to strengthen the spiritual life of our Church by: Modeling good Christian moral conduct; Assisting the Kahu in serving, caring, and prayer for others; Growing, nurturing and unifying our relationship with one another through Iesu Kristo.
Mission: Glorify God by praising and strengthening the relationship with Him through music
Mission: To care for our worship experience at Church
Mission: Preserve Kaumakapili’s rich history and life for posterity.
Mission: Bringing out the best in others through inclusiveness, collaboration and openness.
Mission: Be available to the congregation through notices, bulletins, newsletters, announcements, etc. Take concerns, desires, suggestions, compliments, questions, etc. to the governing body of Kaumakapili Church. To represent the membership in an open and unbiased role.
Mission: To serve God.
Mission: CEM shall seek Akua as our manaʻolana (hope), and kōkua (help) as we are in covenant with Him to hoʻonaʻauao iā kākou (enlighten all) in the body of Christ among our church ʻohana and beyond, through Christian Education.
Mission: Maintain the Church campus in a professional manner.
Mission: Creating financial platforms that build, protect and support the mission of Kaumakapili Church.